
Shades of elysium character guide
Shades of elysium character guide

**NOTE as posted here all dungeons in Nasc will be more level specific I will change this once I know the dungeon levels** Level 65 - 90 (those heckler's level 80 Two Mountain area, borders of wetlands, Steppes of Dispair) Level 50+ (Green Redeemed/Unredeemed Mobs)

shades of elysium character guide

Level 40-60 (Dungeon in Brawl, 2 Dungeons by Growlers in Crippler tunnel-Scuzzy Weavers, Hiathians, Core Dungeon Kolannas, Spirit Hunters and spirits QL40ish spirits) Level 38-45 (Nasc Wilds south- Croakers of the Night, again be careful of BAFs I believe there are two named here also) Level 35-48 (The Core-Mala Anahs named drop Tatts and DKN, Spiders here can drop Clan Tatts) Level 30-40 (Crippler Cave non stop action careful of add ons) Level 25-30 (Nasc Swamp- Mountain Cats, wetlands- Hatchlings careful they swarm named Malahs drop Omni Tatts, Nasc Wilds-Cripplers and Prime Hiathians) Level 18-25 (Swamp in Frontier Border Malahs drop spirits, Frontier outskirts) Temple area, cascading spirits great and fast exp) Level 5-10 (Frontier Bridge-Chimeras, silvertails etc) While I am not a proponent of 100% soloing since a Shade is geared toward teaming we all have those times when either we can't get a team or are just fed up and need quiet time.

shades of elysium character guide

Kinda geared toward soloing in SL but I thought it might not be a bad idea to have one of these on the boards.

Shades of elysium character guide